A very wet Wurruma Swamp

Early January 2024

When I arrived at Wurrama Swamp the sun was starting to rise. A Cormorant had just flown onto a branch and was preparing to dry itself in the fresh sunlight.

Off in the distance I could see and hear the Swans. The fog was lifting from the swamp and I knew eventually they would come my way to one of their favourite feeding spots.

I sat myself in the wet grass beside the swamp and waited. I have done this many times before.

An Australasian Grebe paddled over to in front of me as it searched in the shallows for a meal.

Soon after the Grebe the first of many Swans that would pass my way was now right in front of me. If I stay low and keep still they seem to not worry the slightest about my presence and at times seem curious.

I am not sure of what this behaviour is but on this day there was a lot of squabbling amongst the Swans. They would chase each other and attempt to peck the other on the back to drive them off.

There has been an in crease in the number of swans present at Wurruma after the most recent successful breeding and I was getting some beautiful morning light on them.

As soon as the sun rose just that little bit more it got so very humid and hot. Even the wasps needed a drink. It was time for me to go….I had other places to visit. This would be the day I would successfully make my way into Walter’s Waterhole for the first time.