Searching for colour
22nd January 2024
Pale-headed Rosella, near Coolabbi Creek, 22nd January 2024.
My on and off holidays were a very wet affair. Once the sun came out I could for the second time resume them and I went searching for some colour and light. I did not care what that colour came in the form off just so long as it was colour.
Wurruma Swamp, 22nd January 2024.
Not wanting to think too hard, my next location was Wurruma Swamp. The water level was extremely high so I had to wade in the water amongst the short grass and see if the Swans would come to me. As per usual I turned my camera to other things as I spent time in the grass.
The Swans feeding off in the distance.
Unable to move around due to the high water it was looking very unlikely I would get any good photos of the Swans. It was time to visit another regular spot.
A very drab Coolabbi Creek, 22nd January 2024.
When I arrived at Coolabbi Creek the light was horrible, the water was flowing way too fast and the water colour was tainted by the topsoil it contained. It was a pleasant walk in and it was now time to head home.
Ravenshoe Sunset, 22nd January 2024.
By the time I had walked my way from Coolabbi Creek back to the car sunset was happening. As I drove home I stopped by a farm fence, made a hot chocolate and enjoyed a very colourful end to the day. My holidays were now finished :(
Ravenshoe Sunset, 22nd January 2024.