Tinaroo in March 2021

March 2021

In the weeks since I was last at Tinaroo the water level has risen I would guess about 5 to 6 feet. Plants that were once on dry ground now find themselves in and/or under water.

With much of where we like to visit now under water we had to explore some new areas and found a couple of spots with nice sand and rocks to rest on.

Where there is dry ground with vegetation this little plant with its blue/purple flower is still in abundance. The butterflies I saw are long gone however.

Replacing the butterflies are large numbers of dragonflies and bees.

With daylight near end we headed around to the caravan park area and onto the grass where my wife tried to get a photo of a Pacific Black Duck which she thought wanted to be friends. She was wrong :)

I decided to lie on the grass, take a break with a coffee and wait for the sunset.

Tinaroo usually provides a good sunset as do most places on the Tablelands. This day looked promising.

The colour started to appear in the sky and we just sat back and watched.

This was the view as we headed back to the car to drive home. Nice end to the day.

tablelandsDavid Taylor