A sea of water lilies
March 2021
Plumed Whistling Ducks and a Black Swan on my arrival.
On my late March visit to the Tablelands Swamp there were two changes that I noticed immediately. The first was the abundance of Water Lilies and the second the start of the return of the Whistling Ducks.
Facing the Sun.
I arrived about 3pm so most of the Lilies were well open and searching for the kiss of the sun.
Sounding the alarm.
As soon as one of the Swans spotted me it sent out the alarm. I found a spot to sit and watch and they soon relaxed once I stopped standing and moving.
A Swan waving :)
After about half an hour the Swans were very comfortable with my presence and started to swim closer to me. If you ever wondered why they are such good swimmers you now know why.
Left to right: Plumed and Wandering Whistling Ducks
The Ducks also seemed to be quite comfortable. Their antics as they squabble amongst each other is always entertaining.
Plumed Whistling Duck seeing off two Wandering Whistling Ducks from his log.
With the Swamp so full the animals have limited places above the water on which to rest. This log seems to be a very popular spot. Notice the Turtle is also trying to make his way out onto it from the back..
October 2020
A visit to the Swamps in October last year found very little water and more likely a empty Turtle shell than a live one. How things have changed.
Water flowing from the swamp.
In fact the water is so high now that it spills over the banks and out into the surrounding bush cutting through the rich red soil of the Tablelands.
Lilies close with the dropping sun.
With the end of the day approaching the lilies started to close and I began to prepare for sunset, my favourite time of the day.
30 minutes before sunset.
Leading up to sunset is a good time to find a nice spot, sit and drink a coffee. This sunset was looking very promising with the colour already starting to show.
Sunset afterburn.
Then the colour came and the wait was worth it. Yet another spectacular tablelands sunset. The rain ruined the reflection on the water but I was not too disappointed.
The road home.
As I make my way home down the road the fireworks continue. Great end to the day.