Recycling Jewellery

May 28st 2011 - These cuff links were made by recycling an old pair. Some years ago the original cuff-links were made by another jeweller and the end result was nothing like what they had been promised. They had never been worn and were brought to me to be reborn!

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Diamonds are not all equal. (Still!)

May 17th 2011 - Late last year I finished the ring pictured to the right. This customer had received as a present from her husband some money to have a new piece of jewellery made. I would like to briefly run through the process that preceded the making of this ring. 

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Info, NewsDavid Taylor
The quoting process

May 9th 2011 - Today I thought I would share with you the process I go through with my customers when they come to me for a wedding ring. It is a very similar to the same one I use for all items of jewellery that I make.

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