5th October 2020 - Back making my favourite genre of jewellery with one of the most stunning Australian Sapphires I have seen.
Read More10th September 2020 - With all that is going on it would be easy to put some parts of our lives on hold. With engagements many are deciding to wait no longer and pop the question or make the announcement.
Read More27th August 2020 - There is a fair bit going on at home for me at the moment so that has meant putting work second. Thank you to all those that are patiently waiting for me. Here is a pendant that I did manage to finish this week.
Read More3rd Juy 2020 - I am very blessed to have some regular customers that support me with work, especially during our current situation with Covid 19. This pendant was the latest in quite a few pieces that I have made for this customer.
Read More24th May 2020 - The Bushido Cross is awarded to certain members of the Zen Do Kai and Bushi Kai karate styles. When hand made it is a very good example of subtractive manufacturing, a term I often refer to on this website.
Read More8th May 2020 - I made this piece back in August 2019. The proposal has just taken place and as planned it has come back to me this month to be melted down. Let me explain why.
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