Grey-crowned Babbler

Wurruma Swamp, January 2022.

Sometimes I see the same type of birds quite often so I can be a bit picky about the light in which I can photograph them. The day I saw a group of these Babblers I had no idea what they were. Not sure if I would see them again at the location I do not visit that often, I took photo directly into the sun with my exposure compensation way up.

Both sexes look alike. Their crown is white with faint grey stripe down the centre. The eyes are a greyish brown.

Wurruma Swamp, January 2022.

They feed by rummaging through leaf and bark for spiders and insects. They like scrubby dry woodlands and this one was in such an area adjoining Wurruma Swamp.

As was the case on this day the birds are usually seen in a large group of about 10 to 15 birds. They are very sociable and noisy. The female makes a “ya” call, the male replies with an “ahoo” and then the whole group joins in.

The birds are sedentary so hopefully now that I know where to find them I can get some better photos.

David Taylor