Sore hands, lack of mojo.

7th August 2022

Barron Gorge early July 2022.

Sore hands for me means I am working too much. Of late when I turn to the bush for relaxation away from work I am lacking inspiration to pick up the camera. I usually just want to sit and observe.

Barron Gorge mid July, 2022.

Like the feral pigs in Barron Gorge I am also a creature of habit especially when I am lacking motivation. They often run away as I approach the waterhole where I found this pig skull. It is a location I return to time and time again. I enjoy being there even if I do not get a photo.

Barron Gorge mid July 2022.

My lack of motivation is due to how much I enjoyed the waterfall season this year in Barron Gorge. I think I need to concentrate more on learning how to photograph other aspects of the Gorge like the rainforest. Photographing the rainforest is tough.

Ellis Beach, early August 2022.

Of course when I do not want to think too hard for somewhere to get away from it all, Ellis Beach is right behind Barron Gorge. Unfortunately off late when I have been there the sunsets have not been photo worthy and the wildlife absent.

Hang glider, North of Ellis Beach, early August 2022.

The only thing in the sky on my latest visit was a hang glider far off in the distance at Rex Lookout. Hopefully the Terns will soon return.

Underneath the cairns to Port Douglas Road, Early August 2022.

It might have been the coffee I had just finished but with nothing doing at Ellis beach I found some energy and explored some of the drains under the Cairns to Port Douglas Road. There I played around with light painting and long exposures. This spot appears to be a favourite for some of our graffiti artists. I will explore some more.