Wait a while Falls

August 2022

A Wait a while tree.

Saturday I worked until late afternoon, took a break in Barron Gorge and then headed back to work. The seasonal waterfalls I venture up in Barron Gorge I remember by names I give them. On this trip into Barron Gorge I went up a falls which I refer to as “Wait a while Falls”.

The bush around the many tiers of this waterfall are covered with Wait a while trees and they keep you on your toes to say the least.

About a third of the way up the side of the Gorge is this tier of the waterfall. The photo on the left I took this visit and the other is from back in May.

Back in the wet season the water overflowed from this pool and continued down the hillside. At present the surface water stops here but travels underground to tiers below it. You can see how much more of that log is revealed.

A grand tree on my way further up the hillside

To get all the way to the top of this waterfall “safely” at times I venture into the bush to the side. This grand tree is to the right of the previous waterfall and on my path to the next tier. I thought I would climb it this day to see if I could get a view back down to the river. There was no view.

A little further past that tree.

The vegetation on the hillside changes greatly but much of it is like this and quite torrid to make your way through. I know this section of the Gorge quite well so from trial and error avoid the worst areas.

A little further up, another amazing tree.

The height of some of these trees is very impressive. I will not be trying to climb up those vines any time soon.

The late sun hitting a spiders web.

The higher you go up the hillside the more light you get for longer in the afternoons. The sun was setting fast as this light on this spiders web lasted for just minutes.

One of the many species of spiders in the Gorge.

Most of the time when I make my way back down the side of the Gorge it is dark. I always try to come back down the exact path so that I know I cleaned out the spiders webs on the way up. That said I do from time to time face plant a spiders web.

My plan on this day was to check out the water flow of another section and compare it to the wet season. On the way I also promised myself that I would practise recording the plant life of the rainforest more. The rainforest is so busy that it is hard to isolate a subject in an image. I will keep on trying to learn.

Some deadfall on the way up.

As well as the living trees I also want to get better at photographing the deadfall which is such a big part of the cycle of life in the rainforest.

Today’s destination but back in May.

I have arrived at my destination. The above photo is from back in May when everything was flowing. The area circled in red is so that you can compare it to the same waterfall now in August.

The same waterfall on this visit in August.

The water flow has all but stopped. It was time for me to get out of the rainforest and back to work.

When I arrived back at the base the sky was lighting up the top section of the Gorge pinkish red. Very pretty way to end my walk in the rainforest.

Related post: Stairway to heaven - seasonal waterfalls of Barron Gorge

Sunset hitting the top of the Gorge.