Rock Trees

photos from mid October 2022

Behana Gorge, October 2022.

I have not been out and about as much lately. When I have been in the bush I have been revisiting an area of Behana Gorge that I can only access outside the wet season. The area is marked by these trees growing on, over and through rocks along the creeks edge.

Walking in the water to cool off.

It is extremely hot in Far North Queensland at the moment so I need no invitation to walk in the low running water along Behana Creek.

Walking directly under the tree.

Some of the trees you can walk directly under. As you can tell from this mid October photo the skies were clear giving some very harsh light for photos once out of the shade. On this type of day the only soft light is the few minutes after the sun drops below the Gorge edge….or stay in the shade.

Shade, coffee and a swimming hole = perfection.

While I wait for that end of the day soft light I head for the shade, drink coffee, wander and swim. I live in heaven.

A dragonfly checking me out.

Photography wise I passed that harsh light time by trying to photograph dragonflies in flight. I failed badly on this day but did manage to get this photo of a dragonfly checking me out with the waterfall in the background that I like..

That end of the day slightly softer light.

I know that a lot of overseas photographer do not take photos during summer/blue sky months because of the harsh light. If I were to do that then I would only get to photograph a couple of weeks in the year.

Whilst I get harsher light for most of the year, I also get to swim for most of the year :)