Girramay Country - Cardwell State Forest

October 2021

Spa Pool, Cardwell State Forest.

One of my customers who lived in Cardwell for many years dropped by work the other day. I asked her what there was to see around Cardwell. We got to talking about the Spa Pools to the back of Cardwell in the State Forest.

She did warn me that they would be dry at the moment but with a business trip to Townsville the next week I gave the State Forest a visit anyway.

All the rivers there were in fact very dry ….and much to my surprise the spa pools man made. From the photos I had seen with much more water I thought they would be natural.

Cardwell Lookout

The Spa Pools are one of four main attractions in the State Forest. The second is Cardwell Lookout. From the lookout you have views of the town, Hinchinbrook Island, Hinchinbrook Channel and Rockingham Bay.

One comment I should make is that I visited at the worst time of the day for photos… at the wrong time of the year ……and on a day that had very harsh light to top it off.

I had to be in Townsville for a late afternoon meeting for work so I could not stick around for better light later in the day. I look forward to going back on a better day at a better time in the year.

The path up to Cardwell Lookout.

The walk up to the lookout is quite steep but shaded in parts and well maintained. Take your time if you are unfit but most should have no trouble.

Looking into the Forest from the Lookout.

From the bottom of the above photo you can see the pine forest and then it gradually fades back into natural bushland to the top. You can also see at the top what a stinking hot and hazy day it was.

Attie Creek Falls

The base of Attie Creek Falls.

Attraction number 3 is Attie Creek Falls. As you can see the waterfall is not flowing and I would not be swimming in that but I can imagine at times it is a beautiful spot to sit under those trees and swim at the base of the falls.

Not far away is another swimming hole that has a bit more inviting water to swim in but less shade. This area butts up against another tier in the waterfall.

Update 01/01/2022: The second photo is the same swimming hole on a cloudy day after some rain in December 2021.

The final drop from Attie Falls to the creek.

This is the very sad trickle of water flowing at the moment from the previous rock pool down a tier of the waterfall into Attie Creek.

The path up to Attie Falls is not as well made as the walk to Cardwell Lookout but appears to be well maintained. It is only a short 500 metre or less walk from the carpark and not that steep anyway.

As you make your way along the path at the moment you will notice that either a back burn or natural fire has recently occurred.

The council seem to have cut down anything they feel is dangerous and in some spots you can already see the plant life recovering from the fire.

Picnic area at Attie Creek carpark.

Back at the carpark there is a picnic area with some shade that is a very short walk to the creek. Once again the creek was very dry but I could imagine how popular these spots are once the water is flowing again.

Dead Horse Creek

Small section of Dead Horse Creek.

Dead Horse Creek was my favourite spot. I walked a little way along it and once again saw great potential once the water comes back. The water was not strong but it was flowing here.

My now ritual bush walk noodle lunch.

I found some shade at Dead Horse Creek and a rock pool that I could swim in. It was so hot that there was no need for a towel to dry myself after. I was happy to be wet for as long as I could.

After my ritual Jetboil Noodle lunch I left to head to my meetings in Townsville. BTW the salt container has powdered milk in it so no I do not add salt to the noodles. The noodle ritual is followed by a coffee ritual :)

Cannot wait to visit here again on a day that is better for photos now knowing the area more.

Wild flowers at Cardwell Lookout, 30th December 2021.

Update 01/01/2022: As you can tell from the note about Atties Creek I have been back since we have had a bit of rain and the waterfall is flowing. There is also a lot more wild flowers about. Unfortunately the day I visited the light was really bad but I will visit again before the water dries up.