Three firsts in Barron Gorge

The Gorge all calm in late 2019 near sunset.

I have mentioned before that Barron Gorge is one of the places I visit often to take a break. It is so close to work, basically in Cairns city.

Up until the last month or so the water has been quite low. The many people that raft the Gorge rely on water being released further upstream for their activities and the recent rain means good news for them.

First time - #1

Water flow on the 12th of February 2020.

The kayakers are very happy with that volume of water. I was on the river until about 7pm last night and they were still coming down the river almost in the dark.

In the above photo he is coming down the river backwards. This is the first time that I have been able to figure out how to get to the far bank and return safely once the water flow increases late in the day. The Gorge looks very different from the other side.

First time - #2

Goanna tracks on the far bank.

On the other side of the Gorge there are several sandy areas. Almost like mini beaches. On them were a lot of animal tracks left during a journey to the river for a drink I assume. The far bank is usually human free except for the occasional rafter that comes ashore.

A new friend.

From the number of tracks I saw I am guessing that there might be more than one Goanna in the area and I was lucky to bump into this one and have a very brief chat.

First time - #3

If you think rafting is dangerous then you will probably think this is just insanity. This is the first time I have seen what I believe are “paddle boarders” on the river.

Under much of that water are very large rocks that you cannot see. There is no way that I would want to fall down onto one of them.

A kayaker a bit further upstream

When the river does this to a kayaker I cannot imagine you have much chance standing up on a big surfboard. Maybe I have it all wrong.

The inevitable.

Next time I get a chance I am going to place myself a bit further upstream at the faster sections of the river and see how these board paddlers go there. Judging from how it went on the calmer sections I think it could be interesting.

Everyone made it. I think she is praying :)