MacKenzie Falls

updated June 2022

The bottom tier, September 2020

These Falls were originally known as McQuigen Falls. From memory of a conversation with Mrs Maralyne MacKenzie the falls started being referred to as MacKenzie falls in the 1930’s to 1940’s.

The top of the Falls facing the Gorge wall, January 2022.

The falls cascade down 3 tiers into a short Gorge. At the base the water flows to the right along the base of the Gorge wall into another waterfall. More on that later.

The top tier and pool, June 2022.

In the summer months and when the water is not flowing too fast the pool at the base of the top tier/cascade is very popular with swimmers.

Looking at the Falls from the Gorge wall, February 2022.

From the Gorge wall looking back to the waterfalls you can see the three tiers.

The second tier with the last of the sun hitting, late afternoon, June 2022.

The second/middle tier is the shortest and prettiest for me when the water is raging as it was on this day. The other two tiers I prefer when the water is slow.

The bottom tier with the last of the sun hitting, late afternoon, June 2022.

Late afternoon once the sun drops below the top of the Gorge the waterfall goes quite dark. Just before that if the sky is clear and the sun hits the waterfall, magic!

September 2020.

As the water passes over the stepped rock faces the water patterns are stunning.

Bottom/third tier, June 2020.

The bottom tier is a great example of why I prefer the water flowing a bit slower than shown above.

Bottom/third tier, September 2020.

As the water flow reduces more of those stepped rocks are revealed which I really like. When the water gets a bit slower it also reveals a stunning section to the left of the water above.

Bottom/third tier, December 2021.

That left section of the bottom tier that carries most of the water turns into a stunning shower when the water slows down enough.

Bottom/third tier, September 2020.

The same section of the bottom tier transforms into this with a bit more water. The whole falls look so different every time I visit.

Water flowing around the corner down the Gorge, December 2021.

After the third tier, the water hits the gorge, turns right and flows into another waterfall. I suppose still technically part of MacKenzie Falls, a fourth tier.

The top of the waterfall around the corner, December 2021.

The top of that waterfall around the corner is a very impressive piece of rock carving created by Mother Nature.

The last drop, December 2021.

It is quite a drop from that small top pool into the huge pool at the base. When the water is flowing strongly it is not safe to venture here.

The overflow pool circled in red, February 2022.

Speaking of when the water is roaring and a bit dangerous, usually the overflow pool circled above is stagnant water. However if the water flow is really strong as it was on another visit in February 2022, an additional waterfall flows into it.

A spill over waterfall, February 2022.

I showed photos of this little waterfall into the side pond to Mrs MacKenzie and I think from her reaction she had not seen this before. I must ask her next time I see her.

Looking down into the side pool, February 2022.

I certainly had not seen it on any of my visits so I made sure I took a few photos of that little waterfall.

Down in the side pool, February 2022.