Happy New Year 2021

2nd January 2021 - Customer Location: Weipa

.90 carat main diamond.

Like so many of late a desire for a super fine band was one of my instructions as I customised a design seen elsewhere to suit this ladies finger size and the diamond that fitted the budget.

Strong under section to enforce the setting area shape.

No matter how well (thicker than most) I make a narrow width band it will be more readily bent than a wide one. With this design I made sure that the diamond area was heavy enough to hold its shape and secure the diamond even if the band did bend.

Main diamond set as low as possible.

Another guideline I was given was that the ring was to be as low as possible which it is. With this style of setting for the main diamond it will be essential to have the ring checked regularly to make sure that the diamond remains secure.

Depending on this ladies normal life, contact on the main diamond can move the main claws and render the main diamond loose. Over time as these claws wear away (as all caws do unless you never wear your ring) they will need to be replaced well before the point of failure to avoid losing the diamond.

With there only being two claws this is a critical point for the customer to be aware of as she selected this design.

Before I go I thought I would share some photos of one of the wonderful animals that live in the place I call home. Back in August my wife and I were very lucky to see a Tree Kangaroo with a joey. December this year we were fortunate again to see the same joey and it’s mother.

All the best for 2021 everyone and I look forward to catching up with many of you during 2021.