A slightly different Warup and NAIDOC week 2020

27th June 2020

I make a range of jewellery that uses symbols of the Zenadth Kes (Torres Strait) culture exclusively for Zenadth Kes Islanders. The most popular of these pieces is a Warup (drum) that can be worn both vertically and horizontally.

The Dhari (headdress) and Star on the drum is orientated differently on each side to suit the orientation it is worn at.

The chain however has to be small enough to pass through the centre of the 3.5cm long drum and even more so the smaller 3cm version I make.

For those that want to wear the Warup on larger chains I made a version for vertical wear only that allows a bail to be modified to suit any size chain.

Recently I was asked to make a version that can be worn on larger chains horizontally. To enable this I had to make some slight changes to the Warup to make sure that both sides were equal in weight. The result is shown above.

NAIDOC week 2020

As with a lot of things NAIDOC week has been effected by COVID-19. Many events have been moved to later in the year but some that can take place are going on as usual.

That will be the case with our annual jewellery giveaway to mark the week. So make sure you check the website from about the 5th of July to enter into the draw for whatever is being given away.

David Taylor