Metallic Starling
Barron Gorge, December 2020.
These birds can be found from August to March in the Cairns area. They migrate between Papua New Guinea and Australia to breed.
Barron Gorge, November 2020.
They form bulky woven nests that are easily spotted in the trees.
Barron Gorge, November 2020.
They often nest in groups of about 100 in a single tree and are quite noisy. Actually really noisy, they never shut up.
Barron Gorge, December 2020.
Entrance to the nest is via the side. It is quite amusing watching them come and go from the side entrances. They lay between 2-3 eggs.
Barron Gorge, December 2020.
Their diet consists of fruit with the occasional insect.
Barron Gorge, December 2020.
The males and females look the same. Juvenile birds are duller in colour and also have white underparts with black streaks.