David Taylor - Master Jeweller - Cairns Jeweller

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Petr's last trip down Barron

2nd April 2023

Petr on Barron River, November 2022.

Earlier this year the father figure of kayaking in Far North Queensland Petr Hanzak passed away after a kayaking accident in Behana Gorge at a spot I know quite well.

People starting to gather on the bridge for the tribute on the river.

On the 2nd of April 2023 the white water community gathered in Barron Gorge to farewell him on the river. Relatives and friends that had travelled from afar that were not kayakers were to watch on from the bridge above.

The kayakers gathering under the bridge.

I have taken photos over the years of almost all these kayakers above. However I know few of them by name.

Petr paddled the Barron the most so I saw him the most and got to know him quite well. I would pass all the photos of kayakers onto Petr who would then relay them on. He knew everyone.

Cooling off during the wait.

Many of the kayakers headed to the water to catch up and keep cool in the water as more arrived and we waited for the ceremony. They are indeed river rats :)

Petr’s ashes arriving at the river.

Once Petr’s ashes arrived at the river they were ready to start the tribute.

The ashes being paddled out to the kayakers on the river.

I do not know Petr’s family but I am assuming that these are two family members who delivered the ashes to the kayakers.

With raised paddles the kayakers formed a guard of honour through which the wreath carrying the ashes made its way downstream.

The ashes being removed from the wreath.

The ashes were then passed from the family to the kayakers to allow them one final farewell.

In preparation to be spread in the river the ashes were shown to those on the bank and on the bridge above.

Petr would now travel down the river one more time with his friends.

Slapping the side of the kayaks.

The ceremony came to an end with a hoorah and the banging of the sides of the kayaks.

Time to head down the river and celebrate Petr.

With the ceremony finished it was now time to play on the river. I am sure Petr would be very pleased to see such happiness at an event that marks his life.

Starting to head down the river.

As the kayakers started to head down the river I made my way to the car to drive downstream to the Rooster’s Tail to photograph them as they passed through one of Petr’s favourite spots..

And down the river they came. I took a lot of photos on the day but above are just a few. It was very interesting to see all the different levels of skill and ways to pass through the Rooster’s Tail.

Safety crew on the rocks.

The Rooster’s Tail can be one of the more dangerous sections of Barron Gorge. With so many levels of skill present that day volunteers positioned themselves on the rocks in case someone got in trouble.

Safety crew on the river.

Other members of the safety crew made their way to the far bank in kayaks and took up position. I believe this is Benjamin who performed that role on the day. In the back is father and son Gus and Angus who I see often on the river.

Gus avoiding a rock.

There is a water flow around the Rooster’s Tail that is usually easier to pass. On this day Gus had a close call with a rock on that section so decided to get his son Angus to walk around and enter back into the river a bit further downstream.

Angus making his way down the river.

Now at the quieter section Gus advised his son on the best path to take and then followed behind.

Johnny keeping watch.

Ahead on the river and to the side on the rocks were still safety crew on hand to keep an eye out for young Angus.

Billy guiding the pack raft down the river.

Billy waited a little downstream until Angus passed. With the last paddler gone he too headed down the river to Lake Placid to share some food and drink at a further celebration of Petr’s life.

Celebrating Petr’s life with a drink and a yarn.