David Taylor - Master Jeweller - Cairns Jeweller

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Travelling for work

22nd June 2022

Early morning from Gillies Range lookout, 22nd June 2022.

I have a large customer base up the Tablelands and whenever I travel up there I always plan to get some exercise with a walk somewhere on the way. Usually when I make my way up the Gillies Range I do not stop at the lookout but the view into Goldsborough Valley was so pretty on this day as the fog was starting to clear.

Plumed Whistling Duck that morning.

When the Plumed Whistling Ducks are at Hastie’s Swamp in their thousands then every visit to Atherton I make an early arrival to practise my bird in flight photos.

I have so many photos of these birds already so it is not about the photos, it is all about the practise to make sure when I need to I have a good chance of getting a sharp photo. As with my visit the week before, at 9am I had to leave and head to my first work meeting for the day.

Millstream Falls, Ravenshoe later in the day.

Once I finished my work I went into Millstream Falls to see what was happening there. There was a lot of mist from the falls and the light was not so good so I thought I would move onto Wurruma Swamp.

Native flowers on the walk out.

On the way out I spotted these flowers which I had seen there before. I thought they looked pretty with the rain on them so of course took a photo.

Laughing Kookaburra having lunch.

When I got back to the car a Laughing Kookaburra was having a late afternoon snack in the carpark. It reminded me I was hungry as well.

Wurruma Swamp later that day.

A quick bite to eat and then out to Wurruma Swamp to see if I could get some photos of Black Swans in flight that I have been trying to get for a long time.