David Taylor - Master Jeweller - Cairns Jeweller

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A very wet Behana Gorge

Late January 2022

This is usually a dry creek bed/walking track

For most the year I can make my way around the main creek using dry seasonal little off shooting creeks as walking tracks. Above is one of them that is now a fast flowing little creek on its own.

The view as I drove into the Gorge.

For most of January we had rain almost every day late afternoon. The beauty of this day was that even though it looked wet you could see there could be breaks in the rain. The trick on this trip would be to take photos just as the sun made an appearance.

Everything looks better wet.

The wet makes everything look nicer in photos. The rocks are so much prettier and even a single leaf on a wet dead tree trunk looks more attractive.

Rock hopping in the Gorge.

Once the rocks are wet rock hopping becomes more rock crawling. This section of the creek I can usually get over very quickly but with the water higher and the rocks wet I decided it was safer to walk in the water.

I would always rather be wet than fall and break a bone trying to stay dry……and still get wet anyway. Clothes and shoes dry out much faster than my body mends.

A floating tree :)

On the way in I passed this tree that highlights how much further the water can rise. All of the soil under this tree has been washed away and it sits above the ground supported by the outer sections of the roots that touch the ground.

The view under on the other side.

On the other side of the tree you can literally walk under it amongst the root structure.

The beginning of a nurse log.

Above is a fallen tree that is capturing water and will no doubt soon become a nurse log from which another tree will grow. As the nurse log fills with water and decays it becomes a host for the next generation of plants.

Another seasonal section of the creek.

A little distance away from the nurse log is another section of flowing water that is normally a dry path of rocks that I walk down.

The main flow of Behana Creek

On this day by the time I got to the main water flow of Behana it was pretty much time to go as the last of the light shone through the trees onto this section of rapids.

Yes….. it did rain on the way out! I was wet already anyway.