A day with spiders in the rain

December 2022

The wet season is here! I love the rain so on a wet Sunday morning I decided to walk off into Behana Gorge. I spent a lot of time under rocks sheltering from the rain with the spiders.

The waterfall in the background of the above photo was the intended subject matter of the day but as so often happens it did not work out.

I was hoping that when the sun did make an appearance in between the rain I would get some beautiful light hitting the waterfall with everything looking wet and lovely. The light hit downstream…..it was a flop.

I still do not really have my mojo for photography back but I was really enjoying being in the bush and in particular the rain.

With the sun getting higher and the light harsher my photoshoot of that waterfall was not going to happen. I began to walk up the river admiring the moss growing on the deadfall.

Despite it raining it was still very hot as it always is this time of year in Far North Queensland. Walking in the water was a great way to keep cool.

Soon however the skies opened up and I once again found myself under rocks…..this time not far away from a favourite place I use to take cover from both the sun and rain.

I have used this rock cave many times over the years to rest during a day out in the rainforest.

You enter from the bush but at the other end there is a small window where you can view the river. I love to make lunch or a hot drink there.

In the entrance to the cave and hanging around the general area were of course spiders. Here are photos of a couple more.

When the rain stopped I once again started walking in the river admiring how stunning the rocks were when wet. The sun would soon dry them out so now was the time for the photo.

As always in Behana Gorge blue dragonflies were everywhere. This one was keeping a close eye on me.

My day in Behana would end with a break under this tree. I had been in the rainforest since 6 am and now mid afternoon it was time to go home.

insects, riversDavid Taylor