David Taylor - Master Jeweller - Cairns Jeweller

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2022 in photos

Barron Gorge rainforest early June 2022.

As someone who loves taking photos I am always in search of colour…….other than green :) We get so much green in the rainforest.

This photo taken at the end of the waterfall season was a gift from Mother Nature and my favourite photo of 2022 came in early June. Now lets go back to January and run through the year in photos.

Barron Gorge, early January 2022.

This year right from the start in January saw me go to small details whenever I found nothing obvious. The insect world is truly fascinating.

North of Ellis beach early March 2022.

As with all years previous the sandy beaches north of Cairns were a frequent place I retreated to during 2022. I love just staring out into the ocean and waiting for the odd tern or egret to fly by or for the occasional turtle to break for air.

Atherton Tablelands early March 2022.

2022 was not kind to one of my dearest friends regarding his health. I have long wanted to take a nice photo of the original milking shed from which he created all that he has. I was glad to be able to get this photo before the shed is no more.

During April I made an engagement ring for a young man who informed me he was a bull rider and would be taking part in the Mt Garnet Rodeo. Loving the area I went along to the Rodeo for the first time in early May. The first photo is my customer dismounting and damaging several vertebrae in the process..

Barron Gorge late May 2022.

During May I enjoyed this lovely sunset at a location in Barron Gorge I have sat at many many times before.

Barron Gorge seasonal waterfall late May 2022.

In 2022 I spent most of the year learning as much as I could about the seasonal waterfall of Barron Gorge. Climbing up hillsides and swimming at the base of waterfalls in total isolation, I truly love it.

Goldsborough Valley early one morning late June 2022.

My wife was not well for the early part of 2022 so I stayed close to home a lot. She only came on two photo trips with me during 2022. I took the above photo from Gillies Range early morning on a trip up the Tablelands for work.

Young Eastern Water Dragon, Barron Gorge late June 2022.

Late June and I am still not travelling very far away from home and spending a lot of time on the hillside in Barron Gorge. I have come to know the Eastern Water Dragons quite well and they often stay in or near the water even when I go for a swim.

Krissy (tackling) playing for Ivanhoes early July 2022.

Most previous years I would be photographing/videoing the Rugby Union season alongside Chris Lodge. 2022 I decided to give the football a miss in preference for time in the bush.

One of my favourite Rugby Union players made the switch from Union to League to play with family in 2022 so I went out and photographed him.

One game of Union and two games of league for the full year….can’t say I miss the processing of all those photos but I do miss catching up with some of the players.

Hastie’s Swamp, Atherton midd July 2022.

Much like with Rugby 2022 saw me shoot far less wildlife. One of my most memorable days when I did was watching and learning how the Little Black Cormorants fish as a group underwater. Knowing where they will come up to get photos like this is the hard part.

A favourite tree of my Wife’s mid July…it is now gone.

In previous years when my wife would travel with me late afternoons were often spent near this tree on the way home to watch the sun set. Over the last couple of years the tree has been dying. Not long after I took this photo the tree lost the last of its branches and was torn down by the farmer.

Port Douglas Coastal Road early August 2022.

By August I had lost my mojo for taking photos. I missed my wife on my outings and was failing to see photos where I once would have. This photo above is me on such a day playing with long exposure in the drains under the highway.

Barron Gorge early August 2022.

With no real motivation mid year I chose low hanging fruit whenever I did go out to take photos. After finishing or taking a break from work I would often head into Barron to watch a sunset.

Barron Gorge Rainforest floor Early September.

During September I started walking into areas of the Barron Gorge hillside I had not explored before. The fruit was falling from the figs and an ecosystem was thriving on that fallen fruit.

Barron Gorge hillside late September 2022.

By late September I was gong out less to take photos and when I did it was more for a swim than the photos. Nearly every Saturday after work I would make my way to the same waterfall and swim under this rainbow….cloud cover permitting :) It was now getting hot in FNQ.

Devils Pool, Barron Gorge, late September 2022.

Late September and my oldest son asked if he could join me on a walk for pretty much the first time ever. Before taking him to some hidden waterfalls I showed him Devils Pool. This is one of the most well known and visited areas in the Gorge and because of that I very rarely go there and never on a weekend.

It was nice to spend time with my son but I do not think he enjoyed the journey up the hillside. He has not asked to join me again.

Barron Gorge rainforest floor Early october 2022.

By October almost all the waterfalls on the hillside on the Gorge were dry. Fruit was still dropping to the rainforest floor but I needed to spend some time away from Barron Gorge.

Behana Creek mid October 2022.

For a couple of weekends in October I explored the trees growing on/over/around rocks in Behana Gorge. It was nice to walk in the clear cool water but I still needed more of a change. Time to visit the swamps up the Tablelands.

Wurruma Swamp late October 2022.

With my wife looking a lot better (and I think she needed a break from me) for a big part of October and November I spent my free time up the Tablelands in my swag in the Swamps. The Black Swans had cygnets in tow and despite the heat it was so worth waiting for them to come by.

Millstream Falls early November 2022.

November saw me spend more time around the place I love so much, Ravenshoe. I don’t take photos of things I have photographed before unless I think they will be better. Perhaps that is why I have taken so few photos during my time there late 2022. I put the camera down to enjoy the spot and swim :)

So the year ends in December with some photos of Kayakers coming down the Barron I took whilst sitting on the rocks and relaxing.

I have one more outing for the year that I need to do. My annual hike to the top of Walsh’s Pyramid. If I get photos I will share them next year. All the best for 2023.