Photographing the same spot more than 50+ times. Why?

4:55pm - 22nd July 2021.

Some time ago I decided to do a series of photos of the same place to show how varied it can appear depending on the day, time, season, composition etc. It has been a lot of fun but it is well and truly getting long in the tooth. Time to post it up as I want to do other things :)

The above photo is my favourite because this became my go to spot and it was the result of me learning how to take photos with the very late and very bright sun.

The rules and the location

The spot in the Gorge.

The main rule was that I had a 20 metre radius around the point where my tripod is in the above photo (bottom right) from which to work in. I could photograph anywhere in that area at any time and take multiple on the same day.

Some of my other favourite photos and why

5:28pm - 10th June 2021.

There are two things you will notice about this project. The first is that some of my favourites are not the prettiest but they have the most meaning to me.  The other thing is that once we get past my favourites you will see that it takes a lot of ordinary photos to get the good ones.

This photo from the 10th of June 2021 is special to me because I searched for a different composition to make something happen. I stepped out of my comfort zone rather than giving up.  I like the reflection on the water and they way I was able to make a very small puddle high up on rock look like a larger water mass.

5:57pm - 10th September 2021.

I took this photo near the end of the project on the 10th of September 2021.  Mother nature did not provide me with a stunning sky but I am really happy with the photo composition and feel like I got my camera settings right.   These sort of thing are really important to me so that I know when I get that magical opportunity I have a good chance of getting a great photo.

6:19pm - 2nd of June 2021

This photo was one of those days that rewards you for showing up again and again.  I got the colour and clouds in the sky with a bit of a reflection of that colour on the water.

6:01pm - 31st May 2021.

Somedays you show up and it rains.  When I think of Barron Gorge I think of wet rocks, how slippery they can be and also how beautiful they look.

5:46pm - 17th May 2021

A little bit of colour in the sky and the water raging.  I take a lot of long exposure shots of water  because the light forces me to and also because at times I like to smooth it out. This photo I love the detail in the water created by a faster shutter speed.

The rest of the photos

I will am going to place all the other photos in a gallery below. Click on the photo to view a larger version and hovering your finger/mouse pointer over the photo should reveal the date and comments.

barron gorgeDavid Taylor