David Taylor - Master Jeweller - Cairns Jeweller

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Just wandering around

20th August 2021

Behana Gorge

Behana Gorge, 14th August 2021.

The month of August I have been working part time. Something like a working holiday. That has meant a fair bit of wandering. Close to home I have been returning to Behana Gorge which I have previously spent a lot of time in. Whilst I am in there I have been trying to give more attention to small details rather than the epic scene.

Behana Gorge, 14th August 2021.

The tree in the middle of the photo should give you some idea of how large that rock is. It just amazes me the amount of force it would take to move a boulder that large.

Behana Gorge, 14th August 2021.

Off to the side of the main stream are small ones that are often covered with debris pushed over them during flooding. Despite that the water makes its way through and new life is created in the most unexpected places.

Behana Gorge, 14th August 2021.

In an opening of a branch of that tree seedlings have started to grow. I have noticed this often in dead trees but not so much in living ones.

Behana Gorge, 13th August 2021.

I have been trying to explore new sections of Behana Gorge and am always presently surprised when I do so. It feels amazing to walk in parts of Behana for the first time.

Behana Gorge, 13th August 2021.

Just when I think I am in pure nature I come across something man made. I am guessing this is much like what I see in Barron Gorge, old hydro electricity plant gear that has been washed down stream during flooding.

Behana Gorge, 13th August 2021.

On this day it was quite hot so to refresh I went to my favourite swimming hole in Behana Gorge that is right under my favourite tree. The water was very “fresh” so the swim was short.

Behana Gorge, 13th August 2021.

After the swim it was back to roaming the Gorge in search of new locations of which there are plenty to find.

Bromfield Swamp - Atherton Tablelands

Bromfield Swamp, 15th August 2021.

Last Sunday my wife and I went to Bromfield Swamp to see if we could catch a glimpse of the Sarus Crane. The Sarus Crane is a very close relative of the Brolga and Bromfield is a known resting spot for them.

Bromfield Swamp, 15th August 2021.

The bad news for a photographer is that even with a 600mm lens the birds are too far away when they are present. This is strictly a binocular type of bird viewing spot.

Cattle tracks around Bromfield Swamp, 15th August 2021.

The swamp is on farm land and cattle tracks are clear to see around the swamps edge. The roadside viewing platform is a close as you can get. Still worth a look to see the Sarus arrive late afternoon but do not expect to get photographs. They will more than likely be too far away and the light be poor.

Barron Gorge

Barron Gorge, sunrise on the 16th of August.

That Sunday I also cut my head and needed 3 stitches. I did not sleep that well so as I was up early the next morning and headed into Barron Gorge for sunrise. I was not alone as I was soon joined by this paddler with whom I exchanged greetings as I sat on the rocks drinking hot soup.

Memorial at the kayakers out point on the river.

The spot where I took the previous photo is where the kayakers finish their river run and get out. On the way down from the road tot he river you will see a memorial post for Dale Peake who lost his life in 2010 kayaking Barron Gorge.

Wurruma Swamp

Wurruma Swamp, 19th August 2021.

I have had a bit of work to do up the Tablelands so during a break I headed out to Wurruma Swamp to see how the water level was. Just behind that log a section of dirt road that goes around the Swamp is usually visible.

Wurruma Swamp, 19th August 2021.

The water is still quite high and as it was the middle of the day and hot the birds were absent except for the odd Egret.

Wurruma Swamp, 19th August 2021.

If I have my camera out and the landscape is no good I turn to animals. If animals are not about I turn to insects. This is the best dragonfly in flight photo I have taken so far.

Taking photos of butterflies in flight earlier this year got me into this very frustrating habit of trying to take photos of insects in flight. Better than a video game or golf for frustration levels.

Millstream Falls - Ravenshoe

Millstream Falls, May 2021.

The last time that I visited Millstream Falls was back in May with my wife. The area behind the falls in the photo is one that I have not explored yet so on this trip in August I made my way up there.

Millstream Falls, Late afternoon 20th August 2021.

When I arrived at the Falls it was already late afternoon and the setting sun was hitting the top of the waterfall. Even with the water flow not that great at the moment trying to cross close to the falls is just stupid. I made my way a long way up the river and crossed at a shallow section I know.

Millstream Falls, Late afternoon 20th August 2021.

Once I was up on the other side I started looking for potential spots to take photos in the future. That setting sun light on the river upstream of the falls was beautiful.

Millstream Falls, Late afternoon 20th August 2021.

Up on that bank the sun was also backlighting these flowers. I have no idea what they are but I found them striking.

Cattana Wetlands

Cattana Wetlands, 6th August 2021.

Another place close to home that I have been visiting during my working holiday is Catanna Wetlands. I have seen some nice birds there in the past but of late the closest I have come to an interesting one is this turkey that I saw in the carpark when I left one day.