David Taylor - Master Jeweller - Cairns Jeweller

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Mt Baldy - Yabi Mountain Circuit

2nd May 2021

Half way of the circuit.

The Mt Baldy circuit is just outside of Atherton on the way to Herberton. It is a touch over 5klms in length and quite steep in places. We saw no snakes on our visit there but the numerous snake bite kits along the walk indicate to me that there are plenty present. Take care.

We walked up the steep path to Mt Baldy which was a mistake. It is very steep and you are better going to Mt Yabi first, then Mt Baldy followed by the steep decline down to the carpark. If you go directly up the Mt Baldy path you will pass this old truck at the start.

Shooting range flag.

At the base of Mt Baldy is a shooting range. It was quite active as we made our way up the track and at times the shots sounded too close for comfort. I believe this flag is to indicate that the range is active and also to give the shooters and indication of wind direction.

Half way up looking back at Atherton

As you make your way up to Mt Baldy you get glimpses of Atherton. No stunning views on this circuit but it is an interesting walk.

As well as views of Atherton you also get to the see the vast areas of farmland that surround the town.

Taking a break.

Because we went the wrong way we took a few breaks up the steep track in the heat we stopped for a break at times as we made our way up to Mt Baldy.

It is very green on the way up and plenty of shade in places so taking breaks is easy to do. We like to take our time anyway. That said you will see many people running the circuit late afternoon.

End of the track.

You will be left in no doubt once you have reached the end of the track to Mt Baldy. There is a visitors book and a cleared area for views.

View of Atherton from the summit.

As I mentioned nothing spectacular to see from the top but it a nice spot. We did not spend a great deal of time at the summit.

Before we left we filled out the visitor book and then made our way over to Yabi Mountain.

Yabi Mountain.

It is about another 2 kilometres from Mt Baldy over to Yabi Mountain and with the little bit of cloud cover we now had it looked like it would be a pleasant walk.

As soon as we walked through those two trees the climate got noticeably cooler and the landscape very moist.

The wet path towards Yabi Mountain.

It was almost as if on that side of Mt Baldy it had been raining and the sun had no chance to dry it out. It was totally different to the other side.

With that moisture lots of green things had greener things growing on them. Everything seemed wet.

By the time we got the bottom of the gully between Mt Baldy and Yabi Mountain things started to dry out a little but there was a large variety of mushrooms growing that we kept on stopping to try and take photos of. Next time I go I will take a tripod knowing these will be there.

We walked straight past Yabi Mountain as we were quite hungry having skipped lunch. It is about a 500m walk from the path up the top. As we approached the carpark we spent a bit of time exploring the top of a logged tree which we liked the shape of, My wife has this thing about little “people worlds” . I imagine we are more likely to see a snake come out of this tree stump than a tiny person.

This circuit is a lovely walk but if you are after stunning landscapes you will be disappointed I feel. We will probably do it one more time. Good exercise.