Sunset Brolgas

I am fascinated by Brolgas. The way that they interact with each other, dancing and calling out entertains me for hours. The difficult thing is that they are very shy and when the weather is hot taking photos with long lenses from a long way away does not work. That heat you see coming from the earth, road or water on a hot day blurs the photos. The background in the next photo is a good example of that heat blur.

My donkey friend comes to join me.

My plan was to arrive at a swamp I know Brolgas have been spending nights at and wait for them to return from a day in the fields searching for food. Hopefully the heat will have died down and I can get some clear photos with my long lens. On my arrival my donkey friend made the way down the track to join me.

The setting sun illuminating the leaves.

As I waited for the birds to arrive the setting sun started to light up the bush, backlighting it beautifully.

To get out of the sun I sat up against a dead tree. I got a fright when whatever this is started flapping around.

The Brolgas starting to arrive.

Then I started to hear the distinct call that Brolgas make as they ride the airwaves in their majestic style. Showtime :)

I got this photo of one coming in to land just before the sun started to set. I waited all that time for the light to soften only to get minutes in which to photograph the few early birds arriving.

No longer enough light to shoot them with detail I decided to take photos of their silhouettes as they flew in front of the setting sun. Yes it was one of those Tablelands sunsets!

The darker it got the more that came and the sound of them calling to each became a roar.

The Magpie Geese arrive at the Swamp

But the calls of the Brolgas were soon drowned out by that of the Magpie Geese as they arrived in greater numbers to the Swamp. Time to head home as by the time I took this photo it was too dark to be shooting either handheld or anything moving.

animals, birds, insects, swampDavid Taylor