Jourama Falls - Munan Gumburu (Misty Mountain - Paluma Range)

26th May 2019

Crossing the water on the path up to the lookout.

As you walk from the carpark to the base of climb to the Falls viewing platform you cross the water. On the day we were there it was late afternoon and the little forrest you walk through was magical. It was so beautiful we almost stopped there and went no further.

The rock pools

At the base of the climb up to the lookout you can veer off the track down to some rock pools. This area is beautiful and as always you need to take care when hopping around from rock to rock.

Once you make your way up to the lookout the view is nice but less than spectacular. The view is obscured by trees in most directions. To step outside the viewing area was way too dangerous so we headed back down to the rock pools.

If you look closely at the bottom of the first photo you will see a man who has abseiled down the falls. Another would also come down the red rope you can see on the rock face. The second photo is a close up of him.

Back at the rock pools I set up to take some photos of the waterfalls. Through the rock pools is also the way to the base of the falls. The abseilers walked straight into this photo on their return back to the carpark.

My wife really wanted to head back to the little forest so I packed up and we followed the abseilers.

Back at the magic forest it was getting even more beautiful as the rain clouds started to roll over and cancelled out even more of the light passing through the trees and created that “misty mountain” feeling.

With the darkness came the insects and my wife has zero tolerance for them. I got the hurry up! I grabbed as many shots as I could and we started the walk back to the carpark.

Walking the path back to the carpark just ahead of the rain.

Walking the path back to the carpark just ahead of the rain.

Literally as we drove out of the carpark the torrential rain that we have had for large parts of this year returned. Munan Gumburu (Misty Mountain - Paluma Range) is a magic spot that I cannot wait to return too.