David Taylor - Master Jeweller - Cairns Jeweller

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The Chimneys - Danbulla National Park

24th March 2019 - updated January 2021

March 2019.

When you get to the top of the Gillies Range you will soon find a road on the right hand side that will take you into Danbulla Park. Along that road you will see a turnoff to the Chimneys.

After World War 1 a soldier was gifted the land on which the Chimneys stand. He later abandoned the house he built and another was built there by people who started a timber/logging business. The Chimneys are all that remain of that second house.

January 2021.

Some people think it is a good idea to scratch graffiti on them which is a bit sad. Generally the area is kept pretty clean.

January 2021

Other than the scratching of names on them they are in quite good condition and hopefully stay that way.

The picnic area nearby.

We often stop here on the way further into Tinaroo at the picnic area for a coffee. The only bad aspect of the spot is that it is right on one of the straightest stretched of dirt road into Tinaroo. The cars travelling on it at high speed bring up dust which often floats in to the area and onto what ever your eating/drinking..

If you have a close look at the first photo of the Chimneys above you will notice to the right of the base of the first Chimney in the background are some orange/red flowers which at the time were flowering (March 2019).

The look like they have a bunch of bananas around them. I have since learnt that these are African Tulips.

January 2021

On another visit we noticed a single pink flower growing under one of the trees near the Chimneys. No idea what it is but guessing it is a seed left by a bird or other animal in a dropping that has sprouted.