Regardless of religious belief family is a huge part of the Christmas holidays and it is only fitting that the last design I share with you for 2012 is based on the link between a mother and her children.
Read MoreDecember 8th 2012 - Continuing on with our series of remodelling jobs, today we look at taking three unwanted rings and making them into one new ring and the design changes that were made to use the existing diamond.
Read MoreDecember 3rd 2012 - Using the details of an existing ring, a photo of a desired design and an image editing program, I can create graphics that show how the new ring will look.
Read MoreNovember 23rd 2012 - So far we have looked at a remodelling job that was successful using only old jewellery and one that we ended up cancelling and making a totally new piece. Today we look at using a bit of old and a bit of new.
Read MoreNovember 19th 2012 - Last time we looked at a successful remodelling job using only the materials the customer supplied. Today we are going to look at another attempt to do the same but with a very different result.
Read MoreDecember 3rd 2012 - I get asked to remodel a lot of jewellery. Sometimes the customer has enough materials to create that beautiful new piece of jewellery and other times they do not. If adding to or omitting materials is an option then the design part of remodelling is a whole lot easier.
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