Sometimes rebuilding is more cost effective than repairing.
April 2nd 2012
August 2013 Update to this article
Please note that as of August 2013 I am no longer able to do jewellery repairs for new customers. I offer full restorations and remodels but do not do repairs.
For any items purchased from me the full repair service, free cleaning and warranty is of course unchanged.
This article is left here for those who would like to read some advice on where and whom they should get to repair their jewellery.
As my existing customers will know I place great importance on servicing them as well as I can and the recent influx of repair requests for jewellery items purchased elsewhere is restricting the time I can offer them.
I have no desire to employ staff or to delegate repair work so with a limited number of hours in the week something had to go and repair work on jewellery purchased elsewhere is it.
The scrap heap.
A couple of points on jewellery repairs:
I recommend where possible that you use the person who sold you the piece of jewellery to have it repaired.
much of the jewellery sold at the jewellery chains is not cost effectively repairable.
make sure that the repairs are being done in house and not sent out to a third party
preferably deal with a real jeweller, a person who is qualified to make jewellery.
Full restoration example below, before and after.