Getting old


29th January 2019

You know you are getting old when you start making jewellery for your friends grandchildren. With baby bracelets I like to create them so that they can be enlarged as the baby grows. For this I like the simpler belcher links which give a nice balance of size, strength and flexibility.


The bracelet desing we would use.

The bracelet desing we would use.

What I mean by flexibility is the ability to increase the chains length as the baby grows enabling the bracelet to be worn for the longest period.

To achieve this we initially make the bracelet out of a 19cm adult size, reduce the length to about 11cm and put the extra length aside for use later. The belcher chain style modifies neatly and easily and is ideal for this.


Change the name and add a diamond

Change the name and add a diamond


The first thing that would be changed was the name. After that the addition of a hammer set diamond to dot the “I”. The engraving and diamond would be on both sides.

The finished bracelet

BraceletDavid Taylor