David Taylor - Master Jeweller - Cairns Jeweller

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Customers who know exactly what they want

September 19th 2011

Some customers know exactly what they want and can convey it very clearly to me. When it came to remaking Peter`s wedding ring recently he was one of those customers.

It is not very often that a customer comes to me knowing exactly what they want. Pete however brought to me a sketch of a design, that other than some very slight changes, remained unaltered. The design was based on a mixture of designs that can be found in the wedding ring section of this website.

Pete had his original wedding ring that he had purchased elsewhere and wanted to make it into a more detailed and heavier new ring. He had some old pieces of jewellery that his wife no longer wore and this was to be added to his original wedding ring to provide the extra weight.

Pete`s original wedding ring was quite thin. The thickness of a ring is just as important as the width if not more so. If a ring is too thin then it can be bent out of shape or even broken and made unrepairable. With the high price of gold and the need for jewellery chains to have the lowest priced items as possible for their year round sales, most of the jewellery they sell is made as light as they can.

Often customers are not aware of the effect that reduced thickness/weight can have on the value and life span of a piece of jewellery. If a customer only compares wedding rings on the basis of width and price then they can easily make a poor decision.

A good example of this would be two wedding rings that are both 7ml wide and size V but one is 1.5ml thick and the other 1ml thick. This ring made to a thickness of 1.5ml will weigh 33% more than the same ring made to a thickness of 1ml. If they are being sold at the same price then the 1.5ml thick ring is a 33% better value purchase.

Even if the thicker ring was more expensive, that added thickness increases the life span greatly. I have seen many new wedding rings purchased elsewhere that were 1ml or less in thickness and they simply do not last. Pete`s ring was such a ring.

If like Pete you see some designs on this site or elsewhere that you would like to mix and match or modify please feel free to contact me for a quote. The beauty of almost everything you see on this website being made by myself is that I can customise it exactly to your requirements.