Australasian Grebe
Tarzali Lakes, May 2021.
According to my book this bird breeds from September to March but I took the above photo in May and the bird is in breeding plumage.
Immature bird, Tazali Lakes, January 2021.
When not breeding their upper parts fade to a paler/duller grey brown. Their throat, face below the eye, foreneck and bill all become whitish. Immature birds look similar to non breeding adults.
When my wife first saw the immature Grebe above she thought it was the ugliest duckling she had ever seen. I think it is quite cute :)
Tarzali Lakes, November 2021.
They live in sheltered fresh water areas with emergent vegetation. They make a floating nest anchored to rush cover and lay 4 to 7 eggs. The are quite common and usually sedentary.
They also do the cutest thing where the chicks ride on the back of the parent.
Hasties Swamp, June 2021.
It is a poor flier and travels short distances by flight usually at night. I have never seen one in full flight during the day and have only seen them fly across the top of the water for short distances. They look more like they are running on the water than flying.
Hasties Swamp, June 2021.
It is not long before they give up the flying and return to their more comfortable state of being on and in the water. Very cute little birds.
Tarzali Lakes, May 2021.
They are also extremely shy birds and quickly swim away when disturbed. The Australasian Grebe is the smallest Grebe.
Hasties Swamp April 2021.
I took the above photo on a very wet day. From the photos I have taken at the same location since April I am thinking that the bird above was transitioning into breeding plumage.
Diving and swimming underwater is the mode of movement that these little birds excel at. They are very busy constantly diving in the water chasing small fish and crustaceans. One minute you will see them on the surface and then with a splash………they are gone.