Silver Gull
Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, March 2021.
This is the most common of the gulls. It has a white body, grey back, white and black tipped wings.
Bushland Beach, Townsville, October 2021.
The eyes are white with a red eye ring. The sexes look alike and immature birds have a brownish red bill.
Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, March 2021.
Adult birds have red legs whilst immature birds have brownish red.
Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, March 2021.
Coastal and inland lakes are favourite location of this bird which are found all over Australia. They particularly like settled areas where they scavenge for scraps.
Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, March 2021.
Away from humans they feed on small fish and aquatic life.
Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, March 2021.
Silver Gulls are great gliders and you often see them doing this along shore lines as they look down in search of a meal.